The Grand Master Mason visits Caldercruix

Here is an account of the day the The Grand Master Mason of the Grand Lodge of Scotland Bro David Liddel Granger of Ayton visited Caldercruix St John 1314.

14th Feb 1973 At approximately 1515 Hours, the Grand Master Mason & his party arrived at the Temple of Lodge Caldercruix St John No 1314. This party consisted of David Liddel Granger of Ayton the Grand Master Mason, Bro. Kenneth O. Byres D.G.M.M., David Straiton P.G.M. Lanarkshire Middle Ward, Robert T. Sime P.G.D.M., George Sneddon, Robert Russell, Joe Parvin, P.G.S.M’s and Andrew Miller P.G.Treasurer.

On arrival, the above deputation was warmly welcomed on behalf of Lodge Caldercruix by their R.W.M. Bro. David McMeekin supported by W.S.W. William Kelly, W.J.W. Arthur Shevill, I.P.M. Alexander Stewart, James Simpson P.M. Founder Member John Graham P.M. D.M John Watt P.M. S.M. John Laird P.M.& 9 Brethren of the Lodge. If you were one of these brethren please let the Lodge know so that we can add your name.

In addition to the above, the Grand Master and his party were honoured by the presence of no less than 9 ladies, these being the wives of the principle office bearers of the Lodge including the wife of a founder member of the Lodge in the person of Mrs. Peggy Simpson whose husband is a Past Master of the Lodge.

All these ladies were presented to the Grand Master who thanked them for their presence and expressed his deep appreciation of the help and support these ladies had given to the Lodge, and to Freemasonry in General.

The Grand Master Mason spent some considerable time examining the Lodge premises which consisted of an old disused Church and he congratulated the brethren on the extremely fine work they had done both in preserving the original fabric of the building and by the extension and alterations to the interior of the building to provide additional facilities in the way of a lounge bar, and toilet facilities for both the brethren and their good ladies. The original plans of the extensions were produced and inspected.

This Lodge was chartered on August 2nd 1923 and the usual books of the Lodge were present for inspection and the appropriate minute entered in the Lodge Minute book commemorating the visit, duly signed by the Grand Master Mason and all members of his part.

The roll book of the Lodge was also inspected and indicated that 838 candidates had been introduced into freemasonry and formally initiated by Lodge 1314 since the date of its charter.

 A most interesting history of the first 50 years of the Lodge has been compiled by Bro. James Jack, Treasurer, and this was examined with much interest.

The Lodge also had produced copies of its own crested Mark Penny and also a Lodge crested tie, each of which was presented to the Grand Master Mason and accepted with pleasure, as a memento of the occasion.


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