The Russian Connection
Whilst browsing through the lodge archive pages I came across an interesting lodge minute which stated that on the 1st of December 1941 at the annual general meeting there were only 14 brethren present and each was elected to take up office for the ensuing year.
I presume the reason for the low attendance at such an important meeting in the lodge calendar was that our country was at war and the general public were suffering severe hardship.
It’s in times like these when our honourable organisation is needed most and there is no better an example than a minute from that same meeting in 1941 which stated that our lodge ,Caldercruix St John 1314 agreed to send a donation of £3.3d to the Red Cross appeal for Russia.
I being a young chap and not around back then I was intrigued to find out more about this appeal. So after some research I discovered that in 1941 an appeal was made by Mrs Clementine Churchill the wife of the British Prime Minister and Great War Leader Winston Churchill to send humanitarian aid to Russia who had suffered terribly during the advancement of Germany into Russia
The appeal was made Nationwide with posters placed in train stations and the newspapers of the day as well as radio broadcasts too.
Around £8 million was raised during the course of the war which is incredible considering the suffering and losses which must have affected just about every family household in Britain.
Its pleasing to note that even in that horrific time of world crisis our Lodge saw fit to help others less fortunate than ourselves. We had it and we most certainly gave it.
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